Getting The Most Value For Your Money

Making a large purchase can be a daunting prospect, especially when that big purchase is intended to last for many years. Flooring is no exception. It’s 100% understandable to want to get the best fit for your lifestyle as well as the best value for your budget.

You want your money’s worth.

You want value.

You want the big kahuna, the giant enchilada, the whole shebang, and you deserve it. Why?

So, how do you know you’re getting the best value for your money on your flooring when you shop at Floors To Your Home? Value for money can be broken down into three parts that come together to form the whole:

Cost is pretty self-explanatory. How much money did you spend on your new floor? Do you feel like you spent an appropriate amount of money for what you got? When you buy from Floors To Your Home, the answer will be yes! Much like certain grocery stores that forgo fancy shelving and expensive displays, our retail location on Lafayette Road here in Indianapolis focuses on substance over style. We save money, and pass those savings onto you.

Instead of flashy LEDs or looping videos we display every floor we sell, complete with assembled planks for you to walk on. That’s right, you can walk on them, spill water on them, even stomp your feet and do the cha-cha if you want. You can also take a sample home!

Quality is a two-pronged concept when talking about flooring. First, there’s the grade of material purchased. At Floors To Your Home, we offer a wide selection of both first and second quality flooring. Next, there’s the finished product itself. Second quality, or cabin grade hardwood, is a cost-effective way to get a beautiful wood floor at a fraction of the cost. If you’re happy with your floor, then the grade of material matters much less than your satisfaction! All that matters is that you’re pleased with your purchase.

Need is an individual demand that brings us right to the buying process. Let’s walk through it step-by-step, look at lifestyle factors that will shape your flooring needs, and examine what happens after the purchase is made.  

The Buying Process

Step One: Identifying a Need

The first step in the floor buying process starts long before you set foot in a store or click on a webpage. It may start small with a scratch here or a scuff there. It may start suddenly with a natural disaster or unanticipated major damage, like a leaky pipe or an overflowing bathtub. Regardless of how it happens, you’re now aware that you need a new floor. You’ve identified your need.

Step Two: Consideration

The second step in the buying process can be broken down into two parts: evaluation and research. After you’ve identified your need, it’s time to evaluate it. Not all floors are created equal; what might be a perfect flooring choice for your best friend might be an unwise option for you. Some important factors to keep in mind when selecting a flooring material:

•   What room is the floor going in? •   How much foot traffic does that room get? •   Do you have children or pets? •   What’s your budget? •   Are you going to be installing the floor yourself or hiring a professional?

The consideration phase can also be described as the research and evaluation phase. Be prepared to ask a LOT of questions, embrace those questions, and take whatever steps are needed to get honest answers. Spend time online checking out blog posts and searching for ideas on Pinterest. Make your list. Check it twice.

Remember, there are no stupid questions! Part of our commitment to you is answering any and all inquiries you have, no matter how big or how small, so call 1-800-804-5251, click, or if you’re here in Indianapolis, come visit our two convenient retail locations.

Step Three: Compare Alternatives

Comparing alternatives is never a bad idea, but it’s even wiser when you’re making a big purchase like new flooring. This is especially useful if you’re on a tight budget and want to stretch your dollars while still getting your needs met, which brings us neatly to…

Step Four: Separate Wants From Needs

Ah, that eternal budgeting conundrum. Making the distinction between what you want and what you need is as important for big purchases as it is for day-to-day financial management. That Venti Pumpkin Spice Latte is a want. A tank of gas is a need. You want genuine exotic mahogany solid hardwood, but do you really need it? Is there a less pricey alternative that will still offer the look you want?

There are a few ways you can cut corners without cutting down your dreams:

•   As a rule, solid hardwood is more expensive than engineered hardwood. If you have your heart set on a certain solid hardwood, odds are there’s a comparable engineered option. •   Laminates are a great way to get hardwood’s look. Only a dendrologist will be able to tell the difference. •   When looking at laminates, be sure to keep your lifestyle in mind. Do you really need the thickest option on the market? Thinner laminates are great choices in addition to being less costly.

While getting what you want out of a new floor is an important part of your satisfaction, getting what you need is equally important. The key to getting a great value is to compromise the two: not necessarily a 50-50 split, but keeping your wants in line with your needs is important when you’re getting ready to make a long-term investment.

Step Five: Making Your Decision

Think of this as the night before your exam, minus the pre-test jitters. You’ve studied. You’ve researched. You’re ready!

  So, What Happens Next?

Many of the most common questions we get from our customers deal with installation. To go that extra mile in providing exemplary service, we work with local installers here in Indianapolis to take away the worry, and make it that much easier for you to enjoy your beautiful new floor. Customers anywhere in the country can take full advantage of our resource center and read all about installation, care, and upkeep of their floors.

Value is a balance of satisfaction, confidence, and cost. It’s the first sip of a cold drink on a hot day, the way your favorite jeans still fit perfectly after countless trips through the washing machine. When you buy from Floors To Your Home, you can rest easy knowing you got a great value on a great product- every time! Call 1-800-804-5251 or click on today and see for yourself.