Proud To Give Back

Anne Frank wrote, “no one has ever become poor by giving.” At Floors To Your Home, we believe in the power of giving back. We’re proud to be a Leading Sponsor of the Indiana Campus Superstar Competition, a talent contest for college and university students all across Indiana designed to showcase tomorrow’s artists today! Sponsorship directly benefits the Helene G. Simon Hilele Center on the IU campus.

After an exciting semifinal on March 8th that narrowed twenty-five contestants down to ten, we’re geared up for the final competition on Sunday, April 19th at the Indianapolis Museum of Art, where the next Campus Superstar will be crowned.

Giving forms the backbone of our philosophy. We’ve contributed to Indiana University’s Dance Marathon to benefit Riley Children’s Hospital, and to Alzheimer’s groups here in Indianapolis.

Every great leap begins with a single step. It’s an honor and a pleasure for us at Floors To Your Home to do our part.


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