Beating The Time Crunch Blues

In today’s modern world, it’s easy to feel like there’s not enough time in the day. This common concern can often be assuaged with organizing, prioritizing, and just a pinch of luck, but life has a way of pitching curveballs and throwing even the best schedule off-balance.
While online shopping is rightfully renowned for its ease and convenience (who doesn’t love shopping in their PJ’s?), actually receiving a purchase can add some anxiety, especially when time constraints are an issue. However, Floors To Your Home works hard to remove stress from this equation!
We recently spoke with Darrick, who is in the process of closing on a home:
Darrick: I would like to know when I have to pick up an order I already
paid for? I don’t close on my home until October 24th.
Hayley: Usually we won’t hold materials for more than 2 weeks. I would
say as long as you pick it up within the next 2 weeks you should be
With this added bit of wiggle room, Darrick can breathe easy knowing he doesn’t have to rush or immediately sacrifice time out of his busy schedule. Just like we work hard to bring you the lowest prices, we also work to help your peace of mind! Got questions about an order, a shipment, or simply want advice about picking a floor to meet all your needs? Visit today!
- - - - Meredith Foster is a content writer at Floors To Your Home. Away from the office she's a published author, hockey fan, music lover, and mom to a vampire-fanged rescue cat.
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